Saturday Morning, June 14 -Where God guides, He Provides

Saturday Morning, June 15 -4:45 AM

“All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit , and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Mattew 28: 18-20

Again smiles and laughter began to form in the mountain air.   Again armed with tennis balls, fingernail polish and crayons the team began to earn the right to be heard in this village at the end of the road.   Again the sight of strangers meeting and making connections for an eternal purpose was taking place.   Again the touch of human hands and the exchange of words began to break the barriers that separated.

But behind all of this, I couldn’t help but feel the tension of the battle that exists and the war that rages on over the souls in this world.  As we traveled to the village last night, we were delayed by one of the vans being stranded on the side of the road due to a blown transmission.  This was a stark reminder that we are not entering the battle field unnoticed.  As has happened so many times in the past, the enemy tries to keep God’s messengers from even reaching those who are in his grip. How many times hasn’t the power of discouragement, fear and frustration found its way into keeping us from taking that last step to actually engage in the battle.  Sure this was a huge set back and for many, would be the obstacle that would put an end to the journey, but where God guides He provides.   Quickly the back-up van was on it’s way to pick up the team members and supplies that had been delayed.  God showed again that we must constantly put our trust in him and not be discouraged.

The village that we went to last night, was a village that Paradise Bound went to a number of years ago.   Quickly the, concrete floor outside the school became a flurry of activity.  The medical clinic quickly began to see and care for the families who were experiencing a wide variety of needs due to the lack of medical care and poor drinking water.   These medical clinics are often the only medical attention these people ever receive.  Many times, after taking even just a couple ibuprofen, the chronic pains that have been a daily struggle are diminished for the first time in many years.  The parasite pills quickly restore each person to become parasite free and allow their bodies to be able to heal and build up a resistance.

At the end of each medical clinic we begin the spiritual phase of our nights.   The story of Jesus is first shown to the people on a wrinkled screen hanging on the wall.   This sets the stage for us to be able to worship with several songs and share testimonies with them How God has made a home in our lives.   Then the Guatemalan pastor begins to share of the great need that each of us has for a relationship with Jesus.   At the end of the night the invitation was given to accept Christ as their personal savior and once again we were witnesses to the tipping point of eternity unfolding before our eyes.  The team gathered around those who had come forward to receive Christ into their lives, placed hands on them surrounded them in prayer as they received a new identity as a child of the King.   Last night was an amazing night.   This team again faced the enemy head on and through your prayers, through open hands to be used by God and the power of the Love of Jesus Christ, many experienced the eternal transformation of a relationship with Jesus.

The great commission that is found in Matthew 28 reminds us that as Christians we are all called to make Christ known to the lost in this world, no matter where they are.  This calling to make disciples is not just one that we have here in Guatemala but where ever we find ourselves.  Jesus places this burden on us as his messengers, his hands and feet.  Many times we feel ill equipped and lacking the ability to do this.   Yesterday in our devotions a phrase stood out:   “It’s not our ability that God wants but our availability”.  God wants us to be open and willing to answer the call to cast our nets on the other side of the boat even if it doesn’t make any sense.  Truly wherever and whatever God calls us to, He will provide what we need to accomplish His will.   Where God Guides, He provides.

Yesterday, the team was hit with some stomach challenges and a couple of them needed to stay back.  They are doing better today and hope to go to the med clinic. Today we need your prayers to keep us healthy and have the strength to engage in one more battle in the mountains of Guatemala.   Pray that the vehicles have no more issues as there are no more back ups.   Pray for the hearts and souls in the village we will be traveling to.  Pray that the Holy Spirit continues to work in the hearts of the team.  Pray for those who God calls to share their testimony tonight, to be bold and willing to stand and proclaim Jesus in their life.

I count it such an honor and a blessing to be a part of this amazing team that God has called to the needy people of Guatemala.  Your prayers have and continue to carry us.   Thank you again for your prayers and for being a part of our journey.

In His Grip,


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